In grammar, a precursor is a word to which another word refers. This word is technically called proform, and while English allows types of precursors based on many parts of the language, such as pro-verbs and pro-adverbians, it is much more common for a pronoun to refer to a precursor. An example of an indeterminate precursor who takes a singular pronoun is: «Everything here has its own box.» Since they can describe the group as A SINGLE ENTITY (a single singular) or the individuals in the group (more than one plural), these nouns, as precursors, pose particular problems. NOTE: The plural pronoun their replaces both male and female nouns. The marbles are countable; The sentence therefore has a reference plural pronoun. 3. The names of plural groups, which mean two or more groups, adopt plural reference pronouns. In the following examples, C and D are the most difficult, as precursors have both a singular character and a plural vocabulary. Think of these two guidelines… Take as an example this sentence: «Many are there for their appearance.» As you know, if you followed the link in the intro, a precursor is everything that happens before anything else.
Especially in older or formal English prose, one could call one`s ancestors or predecessors «my predecessors» in a job. The word is also in science and refers to the evolutionary ancestors of an organism. Here are nine rules of agreement precursor pronouns. These rules refer to the rules of the subject-verb agreement. To understand the conformity of precursor pronouns, one must first understand pronouns. Each of these names can be replaced by a pronoun. If we replace John (the subject of the sentence) with a pronoun, we choose it, a subject pronoun. In the sentence below, everyone points to the voters. Voters can be counted (1 voter, 2 voters, etc.). Therefore, the plural pronoun is the right point of reference for everyone. 2.
The pronoun replacing the noun shall conform to it as follows: 2. Group names which members consider to be individuals in the group shall adopt plural reference pronouns. 1. Group names considered as individual units shall adopt singular reference pronouns. Indeterminate pronouns are also a particular problem. Replacing a precursor is what a pronoun represents. Compare these two sentences: mine is singular to be in agreement with the singular precursor I…