This Agreement may benefit any company wishing to export one of the IT products mentioned in the Agreement to one of the signatory countries. The elimination of tariffs promotes lower transaction costs, better market access, increased sales and increased export earnings. India`s ITA experience has been very discouraging, which has almost wiped out India`s IT industry. The real winner of this agreement was China, which increased its global market share from 2% to 14% between 2000 and 2011. Therefore, according to India, new computer products, including the latest Apple phones and other computer products, did not fall strictly within the scope of the ITA I Agreement. India said it was not making any new commitments under the ITA-2 agreement, which entered into force more than two years ago. The Office of Health and Information Technologies (OHIT) is located within the International Trade Administration and assists the United States. Companies increase international sales and trade opportunities abroad in the health and information technology sectors Computers and networks, microelectronics, telecommunications, instrumentation, medical devices, pharmaceuticals and health technologies, by monitoring business and economic trends in the health and information technology sectors, providing data on global trade and markets and affecting the evolution of U.S. trade policy in these sectors. The Designated Monitoring Officer can also provide you with additional information and contacts.
As of July 2015, the ITA had 80 participants representing about 97% of global trade in information technology products. The aim of the agreement is to reduce to zero all taxes and customs duties on computer products by the signatories. [2] Geneva: The US and China should oppose, inter alia, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) New Delhi tariffs on information and communication technology (ICT) products, particularly mobile phones and other devices, as India is not complying with its customs obligations. In an announcement on 2 November, the United States, the European Union (EU), China, Japan, Canada and Norway announced their intention to raise concerns about «tariffs on Ict (information and communication technology) products from India to the WTO». The Information Technology Agreement (ITA) is a plurilateral agreement that was implemented by the World Trade Organization (WTO) and concluded in 1996 in the Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products and entered into force on 1 July 1997. . .