Generally speaking, the SEC has rules for reporting and disclosing to investors. Some investment relationships require companies to make quarterly or special reports to all investors and even notifications when certain events occur within the company. In some cases, investors may obtain voting rights and offering companies should never implicitly give or deny those rights. If requested, your company`s lawyer should always strive to include as much detail as possible and explicitly describe the rights of investors in the company and the rights they do not have. The basic structure of an investment contract is relatively simple and contains the same elements that are necessary for each agreement to make it legally binding and protect both parties from litigation. Giving investors and risk managers the feeling that you have reduced and reduced the risk as much as possible will go a long way in selling your investment offering. In the contract, you may want to consider answering frequently asked questions. What will happen if the company dissolves? Describe the plan in detail and show that your investment offer is worth considering. Give investors an idea of the legal resources that may be needed, who will pay off, and the impact on them of investment plans and schedules. Give investors a realistic understanding of your business processes and there will be a great contribution to make investors feel comfortable. The more contingencies and planning are involved, the lower the risk to investors and the more attractive the investment can be.